
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

We remember MLK, 
Honored on this special day.
He had a dream that we would stand
United together in this land, 
That we would strive to find a way
To live as friends in peace today.
He wanted each of us to see
The beauty of equality.
He taught that right overcomes wrong, 
That hope can turn the weak to strong, 
And showing love instead of hate
Would make our country truly great.
His message, meant to set us free, 
Was filled with hope for you and me.
So on this day let freedom ring, 
As we remember Dr. King!
On Friday we read a lot of books about Martin Luther King Jr and talked about 
why we don't have school on Monday, because it is a National Holiday honoring Dr. King
We made a project with our hands and we each made our own wish for the world! We made a world full of colorful people and freedom bells. Please watch our Dr. King video we made!

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