
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 10 is coming up!

We are really getting the hang of things now in kindergarten! We have been practices our routines and going over the rules daily and I think we are really getting the hang of things. I would say that we almost have line order figured out and we know that when we are on the carpet we have to sit criss cross applesauce, our body needs to be still, our voices need to be quiet, our eyes need to be watching, and our ears need to be listening (which really is a lot of things to do all at once but we are getting use to it :)). We have gone over this a lot and we even met some new friends, Puppy and Snail, and they helped us practice following directions and focusing on the speaker. We have also been talking a lot about BIST - which at open house you should have received a pamplet on. We have all been practicing going to the safe seat and please know that this is a safe place in our room where your child might need to go and that they are NOT in trouble - we have been going over this a lot - but I want you all to know that! If your child has to go to the buddy room they will have to fill out a sheet that will be sent home so you know what happened and we have talked about how we do not want to go to the buddy room and leave the classroom because we might miss out on learning. I will hopefully be sending out a more detailed sheet regarding these things later on in this week!
Tuesday will mark day 10 of kindergarten and in math that is some very exciting news, because we will be able to finally make a group of 10 on our 120 chart and a group of 10 on our money chart – I just know that the kids will all be super excited for this! During math we will be continuing to explore numbers with our counting mats as well as our own counting books but we will also start practicing how to write the numbers 1 and 2 and comparing things that are the same and different!
In literacy we will be continuing to learn about letters and the sounds they make and will be focusing on letters up to the letter V this week! We are loving the ABC chant and loving the songs we get to sing that practice the letters and sounds! We also will be reviewing the words “I” and “can”. We are becoming readers so FAST!!!! This week we will be reading “Teddy’s Week”, “At School”, and making connections back to our Alphabet in the Park book! We have found out that it is fun to read sentences that have exclamation marks at the end of them and will continue to practice reading!

In writer’s workshop we will be getting our very own folders and will learn how to use them to help us become better writers! We will also be looking at the book “Good Dog, Carl” (which is a book with no words) that will help us learn that stories can be told just through pictures – which is where we will start. In kindergarten we start by drawing pictures then we will add beginning letters to our pictures, then labels, and finally start some sentences (we will be focusing on just pictures this week and will slowly get to the rest).

Remember we go to P.E. on Day 3 on the calendar  – so this week again it falls on a Friday so make sure to mark it on your calendar. You can find the day on the lunch calendar!

In unit studies we are continuing to learn about how to stay safe and will finish up our safety books! We will hopefully get to go on a safety walk around the school to practice using the crosswalk and also so we can see the signs that are all around us to help us stay safe. If we are super lucky on Friday we will get to read “Officer Buckle” and watch the video! But we have a lot to do so I sure hope we work hard all week long and learn how to stay safe at school and at home! 
Also this Tuesday is our first PLC Day so we will be dismissing at 2:18 which is 80 minutes earlier than usual. It will be a fast, fun day. Also on Tuesday I will gone and Mrs. Bogner will be here for me. Mrs. Bogner is a wonderful sub who works a lot at Meadow Lane and I know the kids will love her. It also helps this year that Ms. Shipley will also be in the room to help out as needed!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and of course if you have any questions or concerns please let me know! :) Mrs. Woita

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