
Monday, January 21, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr.

We remember MLK, 
Honored on this special day.
He had a dream that we would stand
United together in this land, 
That we would strive to find a way
To live as friends in peace today.
He wanted each of us to see
The beauty of equality.
He taught that right overcomes wrong, 
That hope can turn the weak to strong, 
And showing love instead of hate
Would make our country truly great.
His message, meant to set us free, 
Was filled with hope for you and me.
So on this day let freedom ring, 
As we remember Dr. King!

Please watch our Dr. King video!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fun in the Snow!

We have had a great start to our week and our picking up right where we left off
and we know that 2013 is going to be amazing! I loved hearing about all of the fun and exciting things all of the kids did over break!
This week we started learning about the weather during science and we have been talking about the different kinds of weather Nebraska has! We have also talked about the things you can do when it is sunny, rainy, windy, and snowy. Yesterday we decided to make a snowman!
And it is official!!! We all love to play in the snow!
Speaking of snow.... I am sure most of you know that the kids need to have boots AND an extra pair of shoes if they want to play in the snow during recess, otherwise our pants and floor would be a mess! Please make sure to send you child to school in appropriate clothes - layers are always good because you can always take things off if needed! An extra set of gloves and a hat are always good to keep in the backpack too! 
Please check out our little video of us making our snowman!

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Resolution!

Hi everyone!
So sorry it has been awhile since I have blogged, December sure does fly by...
especially when you are having fun like we are in kindergarten!

I wanted to let everyone know that it is going to be my "New Year's resolution" to write on this blog once every two weeks - so that way you can stay updated on the latest kindergarten news! Of course I would like to exceed my expectations but we will just have to see how that goes!

I hope you all had a wonderful break with your family and friends and that you got to relax and have some fun! I am looking forward to seeing my 22 little friends on Monday morning and are hoping they are ready to come back to school to see me! 
I just know that we are going to have a great start to our New Year!  :) Mrs. Woita