
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Time flies....

Well what can I say... time flies by when you are having fun!
I can not believe that the first quarter of school is already over - your kindergartener has been working very hard! Report cards will be coming home next Wednesday, Oct. 31st! Please look over the report card with your child and talk to them about it. You get to keep the report card but please send the envelope back so I can reuse it!

Red Ribbon week is also upon us!
This is a week where as an entire school we celebrate and talk about being drug free! We will be having conversations about making good choices for our body. All next week we will be doing different activities! Please take the time to talk to your child about this important life lesson!

Student Vote!
Next Thursday, Nov. 1st we are going to be voting for the President of the United States (of course this is just our school vote :)), as well as the movie that will be shown at our school movie night! Obviously "voting" is all around us - tv, radio, school... This is a wonderful opportunity to talk with your child about the choice to vote and what the President does for our country!

Of course as you know next Wednesday is Halloween, oh boy... are we in for a fun week! I wanted to let everyone know that children can NOT wear costumes to school. We will be making a fun snack and playing a few games to celebrate this day. I hope you all have a fun and safe night!


Thank you so much for attending parent teacher conferences! I very much enjoyed the conversations we were able to have! Please know that I am here if you have any comments, questions, or concerns!

Also thank you to the families that invited me into their home. I love getting the chance to talk with all of you outside of school! I had a wonderful time - so thank you again!

Remember that we love having visitors in our room- there are still many time slots available to come and read to our class! If Friday's do not work with your schedule please just let me know and we can be flexible and work something out! :)