
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sept. 26th, 2012

Just a few reminders...
1. Parent Teachers Conferences are next week! Please bring back your confirmation sheet so I know you are coming along with your star and wish and note for your kindergartener!
2. Book Fair will be held in the library next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so you can stop by during conferences!
3. Cookie Dough Fundraiser ends tomorrow so please return the forms!

Things to ask your kindergartener about....
*Our very first alphafriend - Sammy Seal S
*Our American Symbols
*Baskets and Work Jobs
*Daily Math Routines
*Mystery Person of the day
*Labeling our pictures
*Turtle Talk

We are continuing to work hard everyday in kindergarten!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

  In your child's Wednesday folder you will be receiving a confirmation sheet. Please look over the form to make sure that this date and time will work for you and send it back to school.  I have also attached a short note, please read through this information and take the time to write a note to your child as well as a star and a wish and any comments or questions you may have.
  Again I would love for you to bring your kindergartener with you to conferences, because this is a great time for the kids to see how both the teachers and parents work together. Thank you so much for all of your help making your child's first year of elementary school a success! :)

Constitution Day

We do LOVE America!!!
We even made our own Kindergarten Constitution and all of us signed it!
Please check out this short video!

Parent Reading!

A BIG thank you goes out to Payton and Lily's dad, Mike, for coming in to read to our class last Friday! We LOVED having him read to us and we are looking forward to having more parent readers in our class throughout the year! Please know that I am flexible with our parent readers and that if your schedule does not allow you to come on Fridays at 11:15, we can always work something else out. We would LOVE to have you read to us!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sept. 5th, 2012

Just a few things…
1.  Spirit Day and Popcorn Friday – Friday, Sept. 7th – please dress your child in Meadow Lane colors (blue and yellow) and if you want your child to buy a bag of popcorn please give them $.25 and they will get ONE bag at the end of the day!
2. Picture Day is coming soon – you should have received the form in the Wednesday folder – please return by Wednesday, Sept. 12 if you would like to order school pictures!
3. Home Visits will be happening next week – please look for the confirmation sheet in your child’s backpack and send back to school as soon as you can. I look forward to visiting with you and your family. Just a heads up – I will be bringing a gift for your kindergartener and I would also like to take a picture of your family!

Things to ask your kindergartener about….
*School Safety and our safety walk and snack
*Poems we have been learning about
*Daily Math Routines – 120 chart, money chart, giant number cards, number parade
*Rhyming Words
*Literacy Stations and Work Jobs
*Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree

* We have been learning so much already and we are having so much fun in kindergarten!