
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving thanks....

 Happy Thanksgiving!
Please check out the short video of your cute little children!
Over the past couple weeks we have been talking a lot about things we are thankful for. On Veteran's Day we talked about how people in the military help keep us safe and free! We made turkeys and wrote the veterans a note and gave them to the Veteran's Hospital for the Veterans to enjoy. We also had fun making turkeys and talking about everything we have that we are thankful for.

I wanted to let you all know how very thankful I am...
I am blessed with a healthy family and a job that I love! I so thankful that I get to work with your children every day! I hope you all enjoy the long weekend!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov. 15th, 2012

Things to know....
We have been working super hard everyday at school!
*Math - we are finishing up Unit 2. We know so much about math- patterns, shapes, numbers to 20, writing our numbers and we are still enjoying doing our daily math routines and doing our finger flashes (ask your child to show you their numbers - today we did 64).

*Reading and Writing - we are working hard on reading pattern books, please have your child find some of the words they know when you are reading books at night. Hopefully they are starting to sound out some of the words and trying to help you read! We are working on writing simple sentences, we know that every sentence starts with a capital letter

*Sink/Float - We LOVE experimenting during science time. We are trying to figure out why some items float on top of the water and why some objects sink to the bottom. We even learned a special word - displacement - please ask your child what it means.

*Veterans Day - We made turkeys and wrote a note to our veterans and will be sending them out and giving them to Veterans. We LOVE our veterans!!!!

*Next Monday, Nov. 19th is Skate night at Skate Zone from 6-8. I am going to try and be there with my two little kiddos and my wonderful, patient husband! We hope to see you there!

Election Day

Our Voice... Our Vote!!!!
We had an amazing time talking about the election process. Since we are too young to vote, we had our own special election in our classroom. We thought it would be fun to see if the kindergarteners in Mrs. Schroeder's room and our room liked Red or Blue Jello more. We made voter registration cards, we talked about how the jellos were different and then finally we got to taste each kind of jello and vote for which one we like the best! Blue jello won with 24 votes to 16. We had quite a few friends that were upset because they had voted for red jello, but we were able to have a wonderful discussion about how sometimes the things/people we vote for don't win and that we always just have to be okay with whatever the outcome and hope for the best! 
Please check out our election day video!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing
We have been working very hard on learning our alphafriends! The kids LOVE singing this song everyday - the alphafriends are helping us become better readers!!!! They help us remember the letters and the sounds they make! I apologize that there is a green line in the middle of the video - Mrs. Woita is trying her hardest to figure out this technology!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Time flies....

Well what can I say... time flies by when you are having fun!
I can not believe that the first quarter of school is already over - your kindergartener has been working very hard! Report cards will be coming home next Wednesday, Oct. 31st! Please look over the report card with your child and talk to them about it. You get to keep the report card but please send the envelope back so I can reuse it!

Red Ribbon week is also upon us!
This is a week where as an entire school we celebrate and talk about being drug free! We will be having conversations about making good choices for our body. All next week we will be doing different activities! Please take the time to talk to your child about this important life lesson!

Student Vote!
Next Thursday, Nov. 1st we are going to be voting for the President of the United States (of course this is just our school vote :)), as well as the movie that will be shown at our school movie night! Obviously "voting" is all around us - tv, radio, school... This is a wonderful opportunity to talk with your child about the choice to vote and what the President does for our country!

Of course as you know next Wednesday is Halloween, oh boy... are we in for a fun week! I wanted to let everyone know that children can NOT wear costumes to school. We will be making a fun snack and playing a few games to celebrate this day. I hope you all have a fun and safe night!


Thank you so much for attending parent teacher conferences! I very much enjoyed the conversations we were able to have! Please know that I am here if you have any comments, questions, or concerns!

Also thank you to the families that invited me into their home. I love getting the chance to talk with all of you outside of school! I had a wonderful time - so thank you again!

Remember that we love having visitors in our room- there are still many time slots available to come and read to our class! If Friday's do not work with your schedule please just let me know and we can be flexible and work something out! :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sept. 26th, 2012

Just a few reminders...
1. Parent Teachers Conferences are next week! Please bring back your confirmation sheet so I know you are coming along with your star and wish and note for your kindergartener!
2. Book Fair will be held in the library next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so you can stop by during conferences!
3. Cookie Dough Fundraiser ends tomorrow so please return the forms!

Things to ask your kindergartener about....
*Our very first alphafriend - Sammy Seal S
*Our American Symbols
*Baskets and Work Jobs
*Daily Math Routines
*Mystery Person of the day
*Labeling our pictures
*Turtle Talk

We are continuing to work hard everyday in kindergarten!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

  In your child's Wednesday folder you will be receiving a confirmation sheet. Please look over the form to make sure that this date and time will work for you and send it back to school.  I have also attached a short note, please read through this information and take the time to write a note to your child as well as a star and a wish and any comments or questions you may have.
  Again I would love for you to bring your kindergartener with you to conferences, because this is a great time for the kids to see how both the teachers and parents work together. Thank you so much for all of your help making your child's first year of elementary school a success! :)

Constitution Day

We do LOVE America!!!
We even made our own Kindergarten Constitution and all of us signed it!
Please check out this short video!

Parent Reading!

A BIG thank you goes out to Payton and Lily's dad, Mike, for coming in to read to our class last Friday! We LOVED having him read to us and we are looking forward to having more parent readers in our class throughout the year! Please know that I am flexible with our parent readers and that if your schedule does not allow you to come on Fridays at 11:15, we can always work something else out. We would LOVE to have you read to us!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sept. 5th, 2012

Just a few things…
1.  Spirit Day and Popcorn Friday – Friday, Sept. 7th – please dress your child in Meadow Lane colors (blue and yellow) and if you want your child to buy a bag of popcorn please give them $.25 and they will get ONE bag at the end of the day!
2. Picture Day is coming soon – you should have received the form in the Wednesday folder – please return by Wednesday, Sept. 12 if you would like to order school pictures!
3. Home Visits will be happening next week – please look for the confirmation sheet in your child’s backpack and send back to school as soon as you can. I look forward to visiting with you and your family. Just a heads up – I will be bringing a gift for your kindergartener and I would also like to take a picture of your family!

Things to ask your kindergartener about….
*School Safety and our safety walk and snack
*Poems we have been learning about
*Daily Math Routines – 120 chart, money chart, giant number cards, number parade
*Rhyming Words
*Literacy Stations and Work Jobs
*Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree

* We have been learning so much already and we are having so much fun in kindergarten!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Curriculum Night

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing
 CURRICULUM NIGHT!!!! Thursday, August 30th at 6:00 or 6:45 in Mrs. Woita's room!!!!
All of my kindergarten friends have worked very hard making things for you! 
Please come to curriculum night to get your present!
This is a special night just for parents! 
We hope you all like the video, we made it just this morning!
From: Mrs. Woita and her kindergarteners :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten Video

WOO HOO! We all officially survived the first week of kindergarten! We had a great time getting to know each other and trying to learn the routines of school! Yes – I promise we still have a lot to learn but we are on our way!  I am excited to see what these next few weeks bring! Here is a little video clip of pictures that I took on the first day of school!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hi there everyone!
I can't believe another school year will be starting so soon! Summer always goes by way too fast! Although I am super excited to meet my new kindergarten friends and start on our school adventure together! This is my very first official post on my blog so hopefully I won't be so nervous now. I am hoping that this blog can be a great communication tool that will keep parents updated on all the fun things we do in kindergarten! I am looking forward to open house and the first day of school! See you all soon! :) Mrs. Woita